The Smokies

on 20 April 2009

The Smoky Mountains National Park is located along the Tennessee/ North Carolina border and is the most popular national park in the United States. 2009 marks the 75th anniversary of this park, which is one of the richest areas in the world in terms of it's multitude of plant and animal life. It's mountains are also some of the oldest in the world, formed some 200-300 million years ago. The park contains 100 species of trees, 2000 species of fungi, and 1500 species of flowering plants. It is also home to more than 200 species of birds, 66 types of mammals, 50 native fish species, 39 varieties of reptiles, and 43 species of amphibians...more salamanders than anywhere else in the world. It's a pretty amazing place.

The park is also very threatened. Factory and automobile pollution along with acid rain are killing the trees in the park, particularly to Frasier Fir. I'll be doing my part to help by cleaning shelters that have garbage and walking in the middle of the trail to cut down on erosion.


Anonymous said...

that is sad that the trees are dieing.Is there any way to save them as a induvigual? from, chris

Anonymous said...

The Smokies sound beautiful. Keep up the great pace! GCS Geocachers wish you well. "Hi" from Xavier M.! "We finally found that one cache at Fillmore Glen, 'Lions, Tigers and Bears'! from Ryan Black

Miss Coffey said...

"When you're on the AT, the forest is your universe, infinite and entire. It's all you can imagine. You are aware, of course, that somewhere over the horizon there are mighty cities, busy factories, crowded freeways, but here in this part of the country, where woods drape the landscape for as far as the eye can see, the forest rules." -Bill Bryson, A Walk in the Woods

Anonymous said...

Love the view, wish we were there!

Mrs. Dahm's fifth graders

PS - How's skoob? We miss him!

Anonymous said...

lauren and jaelynne are wondering if you are fieeling better? Are you over the mountains yet?

Anonymous said...

hey mr.devoe it's lexie,ashley,and davia, from mrs.levine's class,that picture of the mountain is awesome!!!!!! when you start hiking in the morning are you really tired????? are you going to make another video and if you do can you especailly say hello and use our names,Lexie,Ashley,and Davia? and if you do thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hope you have a good time
love lexie,davia,and ashley

Anonymous said...

Hi,this is Zachary from Ms.Kirbys class.I can not belive that the park contains 100 kinds of trees

Brooke T said...

Hi,it's Brooke T again. I can't believe that there are so many different things in the Smoky Mountains National Park. I wish I could be there. Safe traveling.

Anonymous said...

hi this is adam in ms. kirbys class it must of ben scary seeing the baers.

Miss Coffey said...

MR.DEVOE hi to you
you are cool like pie

A N D R E W the cool kid REALY COOL

Anonymous said...

thoes are beautiful moutains.

from Toby

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