Dear Groton 7th graders,
I hope you enjoyed this year and getting the opportunity to learn from Mr Rafferty in science as well. I heard he's been doing a great job. The first day of school I said that this would be a year of transition and great personal accomplishments. I enjoyed seeing many of you succeed in a variety of ways this year but I am sorry I missed out on spring sports, the drama club production, and the spring awards picnic. Even though I missed these things I look forward to seeing your accomplishments in the years to come. Even though you change teachers each year, you should know that we all keep an eye on you as you progress through school and after. Right now I am seeing the 9th and 10th graders (my first group) become leaders in the high school and the community.
Today marks the 1/2 way point on the Appalachian Trail. Most hikers that start in Georgia never make it this far due to injury or the monotony of doing the same thing every day. I feel lucky because I haven't really gotten bored of the woods yet. I think it is, in part, because I went into this with some knowledge of the woods already. When most see trees, I see oaks, maples, and hickories. When most hear birds, I hear thrushes, owls, and sparrows. When most see the same things over and over, I try to look at them differently. My point is that the more you learn about things in life, the more you can appreciate and admire the diversity of things around you. Just because it is summer doesn't mean you should sit around and I hope you do not realize one August morning that you've already wasted a month of break. Get out and learn something new, explore the waterfalls of the area, or develop a new talent. I think you'll find that others will admire you for this. So today, since I will be eating a 1/2 gallon of ice cream to celebrate the 1/2 way point I wanted to leave you a gift as well. Enjoy.
Mr. DeVoe
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YOU ROCK, CHAD! (Your post made me cry). Beautiful. Congrats on making it to the half-way point. You are amazing! Julie
Thanks for the ice cream Mr. Devoe! Good luck on finishing the rest of the trail. Keep your feet dry.
1st Period
Thank You Mr. Devoe! The ice cream was good, I hope your ice cream was good also. Rock on and keep the beard(from Kyle Short). Keep on hiking, and good luck on the rest of the trail. We are cheering for you to make it to the end (please bring us some more ice cream when you get back).
3rd Period
Thanks for the awesome ice cream. We have learned SO much from Mr. Rafferty and you. Good luck in finishing the rest of the trail - hopefully a lot of people will come visit you. And maybe one of them will bring a razor.
Have you named any bears yet?
"Pshaw" (4th Period's favorite word!)
4th Period
Thank you for the ice cream! Congrats on making it half way - good luck on the rest!
Halfway! Wow! As Dale used to say, "Happy Trails to you."
Thank you for the ice cream bars. Congratulations on the 1/2 way point - good luck on the rest of the trail. Try to avoid the bears at all costs.
8th Period
hope to see you near nyc
rom tyler totman
That is pretty cool and amazing that you would not give up yet. I would give up. i would be reeeeealy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TIRED. I dont no how you will make it 2000 miles well good luck on the rest of the trail bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Mr.DeVoe! WAZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ........up? It is Emmilie.o! From Mr. D's class.I bet you are haveing a blast!!!!! Today we learnd how to make beed people,tie died shirts,and more.But the best was makeing ice cream! WELLL,GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Mr.Devoe, It's Taryn, I hope you enjoyed your ice cream. We made ice cream it was soo good. What kind of ice cream do you like. I like cookie dought. Also today we tie-died shirts in red,blue,yellow,purple and green.I did all of the colors. Ohhh by the way do you have a hump bracelet caz we made one today with beads.
hi, it rocks to eat lootes of icecream but sam is faster than you and over again!!!!!!!
5 days of schooooooooooooooooooooooool!!!!!!!!!! :)
It's Tyler. Today it's learn a new thing day. We have made ice cream,hemp braclets,tiedied, and made bead people so far. Ok I got to go.
Hi!!!!!!!!!Its me Casper.We made homeade icecream today.What did you learn?????????????
Hi its me Andrew from Mr. Ds class. Have you seen any interesting wildlife yet? Today is learn a new thing day at school. We learned how to make bead people, balloon animals, hemp braclets , tye dye shirts, ice cream, and finger puppets. Well good luck
I think your right. You should see something and know the acual name. I love ICE CREAM I think Iam just a little faster then you I even made my own today
From Sam
Hey what's up Mr.Devoe?!?!?!? Today is "Learn A New Thing Day" So far we made ice-cream, hemp braclets, tie died shirts and socks and i did a bag, and bead paople. we still have some stuff to do but we are working our way through them....... unfortunatly. tomorrow we have Field Day. I'm so excited! Today we are having a fun day and tomorrow we will have a fun day, too. By the way, how are you and have a nice rest of the day. -Nikiah
Hey Mr. DeVoe. How is everthing going on? How is skoob doing? I am so happy. Today is learn a new thing day. We have made ice cream it was fun.
Hey Mr.DeVoe. It is Tess. How does feel to be at the half way point? I would like probably never make it that far! Today at school we had a learn a new thing day. We made bead people. Thay are cool. We made homemade ice cream they tasted really good. we also made tye dye. I did schocks for my dad for fathers day. They are green. I wanted to do camo but they did not have the right colers. we also made hemp bracleys. Mr.D said you might have one. Do you? Well have a great rest of the trip. Tess
Hey Mr. Devoe its Mike. Today is learn a new thing day. We made ice cream hemp bracelets bead people tiedye and fingerpuppets. 2marrow we have feild dayz
Holaaaaa senor!!!!!!!!!!!!!That iceream pic.....eeek lololololololol!Well thats nice of u to buy it in honor of ur gf but personally if i hadnt eaten iceream in however long u have been hiking i would definiteley choose the kind i like!My fav. icecream is cookie dough!yummmmmmm.......This morning i did a wood thrush call!When u get back ur prize fromm me is the call.oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I whistled exactly how it sounds!whooo whoo (high pitched)who oo whoooooooooooo whooooooooooo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo (REALLY FAST)TOTALLY G2g peace out!
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