The end is near

on 28 July 2009

We're getting near the end - only about 200 miles left. Right now
we're looking at finishing a week from Thursday or Friday. We're just
about done with the mail drops I assembled back in March and have
enjoyed reading the quotes Mrs Filzen put in a box of granola bars -
I've definitely been at the end of my rope a few times over the past
few months. = )


jfilzen said...

I am back in Cortland with my Uncle John. He just showed me your blog. I think it is cool that you are hiking the Appalachian Trail, but it must be hard carrying almost 40 lbs the whole way (I weigh 120 lbs)! It is amazing that you have seen all those sights like the moose and the porcupine. I hope the rest of your trip is just the same and I hope you enjoy it.
Your friend,

jfilzen said...

...awesome job! Courtney told me how hard you have been pushing yourself to get done. Be safe and finish strong. You have certainly added excitement and intrigue to the last 4 months of my life as I followed you travels, and I cant wait to go sailing with you and Chuck to hear of your journey! OUTSTANDING, young man!

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