showed up, I've been hitching a ride in Lucy's pack. She is a great
dog. We usually hike with Mr DeVoe because Kevin is still taking it
easy. We stay right by him but every once in awhile Lucy locks onto a
chipmunk and we go flying into the woods after it.
I organize Lucy's pack while she's walking. She carries all of her
food, her leash, and some paw protection cream that she wears so she
doesn't hurt her paws from walking. She's a great dog. I overheard
Kevin say she is 1% pitbull and 99% love. I agree.
Dear Skoob,
We hope you don't get "dog sick" when Lucy takes off after a chipmunk! Thank you so much for posting the picture, you look so happy. Some of us in Mrs. Nettleton's class think Lucy looks like Scooby Doo! :-) She sounds like a great dog. How do you think she will react if she sees one of those big snakes though?
Keep safe!
Mrs. Nettleton's class....thanks for writing! She IS a great dog. She saw a black rat snake yesterday and got really scared when she tried sniffing it. At least we know she is scared of snakes.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Skoob, I think I'm in love, not with you or the guys, but with Lucy! Give her a kiss on her wet nose for me, will you?
Dear Mr. DeVoe,
I'm not going to tell Koda how much you talk about and how much you love Lucy!
AWWWWW, Lucy is so cute!!!! I wish my dog was as adventerous as her, but he is just old and fat and barely moves anymore! His belly even touched the ground, it is so sad, we got him when he was 6 weeks old and he was the runt, now he is 10 and he is probably bigger than his siblings!
Daer, Scoob
it's TB. Is Lucys pack as good Mr. Devoe's pack. Well be good.
sincerely, TB
Dear skoob,
do you put the dog cream on lucy's paw for her? well if you do that is cool. have fun the rest of the way!
LUCY and SKOOB look cute.
Crissy...what kind of dog is yours?
Hi Mr.DeVoe your friends dog is cute and how is scoob doing
How is Scoob doing and how are you doing. Have you been.
Hey Mr.Devo luci looks so cute with her little travle pack on.She looks really really cute u can tell ur friend its ok.I wonder how skoob has gotton to now u guys so well. Sincerly, Brittany
hi; we wish you can come to say hi then go on . I wish you can come to are sclool by see you lader
Must be a fun ride for scoob!
From Toby
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