Home Sweet Home

on 11 February 2009

I have a tent....but in my never-ending attempt to trim as much weight from my pack as possible I got a new one that weighs less and is probably more rain resistant. The tent weighs in at less than 4 lbs when packed up...not too shabby! The Appalachian trail has around 250 shelters dispersed along the entire length. We call them "lean-tos" here in NY and they are simple 3-sided structures like the one pictured at the right. Despite their prevalence, you still need to bring a tent just in case a lean-to is not available or full. Many of them are infested with snakes and mice. Some people even bring mouse traps with them in an attempt to cut down on the number of mice scurrying past their heads while they sleep. Anyway, I'm hoping to keep my pack weight at no more than 35 lbs...that includes between 3-5 days of food at any given time between resupply points, but we'll see once I stuff everything in there.


Anonymous said...

I bet it is closer to 60lbs with your initial packing.

Chad DeVoe said...

Ouch...I hope not!

Jason said...

That'd be a pain to carry for 2,175 miles if it was 60lbs.

Anonymous said...

I'll tell my family to follow you. They will listen. (Hopefully!)

Jason said...

We were watching a documentary about the AT, and I was impressed. It sounds so fun! It looks cool too.

Anonymous said...

it would be a pain walking 2,175 miles with a 1lb pack.

Anonymous said...

so how heavy is your pack with your first test-packing

Chad DeVoe said...

Well I haven't packed it yet. I'm still waiting on a few pieces of equipment that I ordered.

Barb said...

I'm with Anon who said 1lb would be a lot to walk with! Can't wait to follow your trip, though! I'll be thinking of all your sights as I watch the inlet day after day as Benny and I walk our 2 miles.

Chad DeVoe said...

Thanks Ms. B. I'm looking forward to communicating with the 8th graders during the trek!

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